Beach holidays are no longer limited to the traditional trio of sea, sand, and sun. Today’s travelers crave unique experiences that blend relaxation with innovation. Enter the Floating Lounge, an innovative addition to waterfront properties [...]
What is the role of economy in regards to meeting the needs of humanity? We can define the concept of economy in many different ways. On a large scope, economy can be defined as “The combination of production, trade, distribution, and consumption in which human beings benefit from.”
We can safely say that economic crises and financial setbacks have influenced politicians into alternative economic models. In addition to this, we also need to question how our economy is affected based on the ecological change we are experiencing in our world today. Using our resources carelessly has threatened how humans use their economical power. We struggle to meet our needs on a daily basis.
When we plan for a sustainable future, we come across the need to create fresh strategies that aim to reduce the negative affects of climate crises on the global economy. We need to increase our economic capacity and modify our activities to help benefit our future.
We decided to approach the concept of economy in our own way. To create a strategy that ebbs and flows with the rapid changes our planet is going through. A strategy like water. Hence, Blue Economy.
Blue Economy is a global model with the goal to increase efficiency in various industries that earn profits through works involving the sea or the oceans. With each development, we plan to add to our global network, making sustainable Blue Economy one of the more sustainable options to choose from. We develop methods for the sustainable use of ocean.
This allows us a large scope of opportunities. From overfishing to lack of sea transportation, overpopulation at the maritime areas, we have area to study to improve our strategy. By understanding these crises, we are determined to create a sustainable model that help benefit both the companies that work for ocean economy, our planet and our own global economy. We discover the potential of blue with the growth of the blue. In the works for a sustainable blue economy, it is aimed to protect the environment with marine resources. Within the scope of this sustainable economy, many sectors operate.
We have depleted our resources. Our planet is suffering. This threatens our future as a whole. Our only solution is to use ocean resources for economic. This can be solar panels, offshore wind, geothermal energy and the kinetic force of waves.
By using these routes instead of fossil fuel, Blue Economy aims to increase our planets energy stocks.
Goods can be exported in three ways: by plane, by land or by sea. Water transport is the most utilized method of export by three quarters. By increasing the efficiency of oceanic transport (whether it be by creating a better management technique or by using more affordable fuel) we want to minimize the extra cost that comes with inevitable human error.
Expanding our coasts or creating new regions on the water is one of the important solutions in protecting our resources. By creating habitats on the sea (such as building floating cities), we can be prepared for overpopulation. We must make our resources more efficient by using land on land with various industrial areas such as farming and agriculture.
Fish is by far the most preferred source of protein by our species. It is in high demand. This has resulted in overfishing in what was once fruitful areas of the ocean. This has had a negative effect in the fishing industry. Where there’s lack of fish there’s lack of protein. Where there’s lack of protein, there is negative effect on the fish industry. By supporting the fishing community, we aim to create new habitats in the ocean specifically designed to decrease water pollution and create fish farms that are catered to human demand.
It is no mystery that our oceans are polluted by plastic. This is the direct result of lack of management when it comes to cleaning up the waste that is created by humanity. Recent studies have shown that the plastic in our ocean has a direct connection to cancer in human beings. And now, we have discovered that there are micro plastics in the ocean life that we fished today. The waste that is not managed properly has a massive negative affect in our ocean ecosystems. Excessive amounts of shipping, offshore mining, fossil fuel extraction has also added to what now is considered to be one of the most polluted areas of the planet. With blue economy, we aim to bring proper management that will minimize the waste that is being thrown into our oceans, and hope to reverse the effect of plastic that is in our oceanic wildlife.
Coastal tourism can be defined as seeking time away from busy cities and vacationing in areas that are close to the sea or the ocean. This is beneficial to the countries economy, however this has a massive negative affect on the bodies of water that are being utilized as the touristic area. We aim to increase employment in these areas, not only to help aid the influx of vacationers in coastal areas, but also help manage the water pollution and the noise pollution that would otherwise be inevitable in high season.
Our system is different because we value our planet. We are not looking to make profits just for the sake of making profits. Our mission is to first take care of our oceans. This mission supported by a macro economic philosophy is why we send out compared to our competitors in the market.
Our time is running out. With overpopulation, with the decline of oceanic wildlife, the climate crisis that we are facing, and all of the other environmental problems that we are experiencing currently, we have no option but to make big changes. The land that we have available to us is limited and is running out. With blue economy we want to utilize our oceans in a clean safe manner that will benefit the humanity both economically and environmentally. With this model we might have a shot in reversing our climate crisis.
Blue Economy. The economy of the future.